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Integrating RES (PV) in terrestrial habitats

About the Project

Integration of RES into natural environment

The project provides evidence how the integration of Green & Digital Technologies ensures transition to RES in the Wild Life Rescue Centre (WLRC) of Green Balkans, Stara Zagora. The Centre is specialized in the rehabilitation, treatment, recovery, and release of rare wild animals or species threatened by extinction. Annually, approximately 2 000 wild animals are treated and 40% of them are successfully released back into the wild.

The Tenter-BG project foresees the purchase of a photovoltaic system and its installation in the Centre premises, thus covering partially the WLRC energy needs. Advanced digital technologies will facilitate the RES integration in two ways: first, Tenter-BG provides optimisation of WLRC internal workflow by constructing a digital twin of WLRC resources and ensuring optimal decisions in real time about supplies, reserves and spending; second, an improvement of services will be achieved as Tenter-BG implements monitoring of wild life habitats with automatic analysis of data collected remotely. The Bulgarian industrial partner in COALition will provide a cloud-based platform to support the Tenter-BG pilot. The project is aligned to the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy of Stara Zagora, where the transition to clean energy is defined as a priority together with the digital transition and the adoption of mechatronics’ solutions.

Data processing in Tenter-BG is based on the Inventory Management Theory, Warehouse Management and Resource Allocation approaches, as well as AI-related image and signal processing. E.g. the optimization of internal workflow is done by Model Predictive Planning of disbursement management and Comparison between forecasts and actual values of incomes.

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